For as long as I’ve been on the planet, I have never dealt with depression, anxiety, or any prolonged sense of despair.
Mental health comes up often in conversation, especially with my closest girlfriends. And the problem can become worse with the isolation that sometimes comes with aging.
Beth will have to one day write a post on her journey with depression and anxiety. BTW she knows I’m sharing – she’s given her permission.
I have certainly had crashing disappointments in my life, both personally and professionally. There have been times where I’ve felt utterly betrayed by those who I thought were my friend or my love. And I’ve weathered the storms as I’ve helped and held the hands of my sons, my family, and friends as they tried to make sense of sadness.
But I have never, almost without warning or reason, felt a black cloud sit on my spirit that causes me to lose my normal optimistic nature. I’ve not experienced sadness or anxiety that seems to pop up from nowhere and ruin my disposition.
I’m blessed and I know I’m blessed. But with that said, I do fiercely protect my internal and external happiness.
My happiness is extremely important to me. Internally I feel like there’s a candle always burning, always supplying me with light energy. I’ve always felt it and I’ve always explained it this way. Sometimes it burns brighter than other times, but it’s always providing light.
My job is to service that candle. And I do without fail.
Here’s my shortlist that helps my happy glow.
Routinely do things that make you happy – doesn’t have to be huge. If you love thrifting as much as I do, it might be walking through a thrift or collectibles shop on a Sunday afternoon. Or it could be reading a book by the pool or sanding and painting a console table pink. Anything big or small, it doesn’t make any difference. It’s all about routinely doing things or thinking thoughts that make you happy. Plan for happiness and make it happen.
Stay curious – Curiosity keeps us engaged. Ask questions, do research just for fun, buy new books, listen to new videos and podcasts, talk to new people. There are always new things that will attract your attention. Pursue them.
Eat healthy (most of the time). Exercise your body. Drink enough water. Get enough sleep. Take your vitamins. I’m lumping these together because we’ve all heard it a million times. I gently say, just do it! It really makes all the difference in the world.
Get ready to be seen. I was one of those girls who wore makeup during the pandemic lockdown. Not because I can’t go a day without makeup. But because I love everything about makeup – the colors, the smell, the process of putting it on, the way it makes me feel. For me, it’s just another way of reinforcing my happy. I also wear earrings and bracelets every day. But that’s just me.
Journal. Meditate. Practice Yoga. Quiet your mind.
I hope this helps. I want to say, I am not in any way diminishing those who live with mental health issues. This is not about that.
What this is about is sharing small things that support me. And my hope is, in some small way they support you.
What do you do that keeps you happy? Please share.