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The #1 Secret to Aging Well

THE QUESTION: What is the #1 Secret to Aging Well?
THE ANSWER: Optimism

Let me explain the path that got us to see the value in optimism.

It seems the older we get the more things take our attention. And for good reason. Let’s look at a few age-related concerns.

We’re health concerned. Always wondering if everything in our bodies is okay. They say when you’re younger, health screenings are just one more appointment you may have that week. Getting older? That annual physical can loom large, hoping against hope, the doctors don’t “find anything.”

We’re balance concerned. One wrong move and we’re off our feet and down on the ground. And OMG a fall can change the direction of our lives. Beth took a fall setting up for a craft show and sadly hit her head and badly bruised her leg. I was so concerned for her. She, of course, went to the doctor. They performed all the necessary tests and luckily, she was okay. But it’s scary.

My fall came one day before Thanksgiving, 2020. I was in a great mood because I’d finished all my cooking for the big feast on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. I decided to do an hour of exercise and turned to my favorite online fitness person. Somehow, jumping around, I lost my balance and hit the edge of a small table, HARD. So HARD in fact that upon getting the results of the x-ray on the Saturday passed Thanksgiving, found out I had indeed broken two ribs. WOW!

To be honest, most of us have a slight concern about dementia. When I go for my annual Medicare physical, my pulse quickens just a bit with the “clock test and the 3-word memory test.” Can anybody out there relate?!

And then there’s financial concerns, relationship concerns, state-of-the-world concerns.

I don’t think the concerns, the stresses are going to go away anytime soon. So, the real quality-of-life, the way to age well comes with how we hold the concerns.

Optimism (op·ti·mism) The Expectation that good things will happen

It’s true that optimism is important at any age, any stage of life. But it holds particular significance as we age. In our opinion, we think it’s what holds the vitality, the sheer passion for life in place.

When we’re looking at our problems and concerns through the lens of optimism we see hope, we see solution, we see creativity. We’re able to take our unease, our fears and shrink them through reasoning and rationalization.

If we take a few of the problems or concerns we’ve mentioned in this blog post and match them with an optimistic outlook suddenly they don’t seem so overwhelming.

Physical health – There seems to be a positive correlation between optimism and better physical health outcomes. Optimistic individuals tend to have healthier behaviors – things like staying fit with regular exercise and diet and getting regular medical care. Optimism has also been linked to a stronger immune system, lower stress levels, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of developing chronic conditions.

Resilience. Just seeing the word resilience makes me feel lighter and more energetic. Optimism fosters resilience. It gives us the gift to bounce back more easily from adversity and loss.

Social connections and relationships: When we view life optimistically, we tend to have more positive and supportive social networks. Optimism helps us cultivate and maintain relationships, helps us make and keep friendships and fosters a sense of belonging.

Cognitive functions: Research suggests optimism can contribute to better cognitive function and can lower the risk of cognitive decline. When we live an optimistic life, we live with a problem-solving mindset and have a more positive outlook on aging-related changes.

Overall, as we age, living optimistically keeps us feeling powerful, vital, and mainstreamed. Keeps us engaged in the world, excited about tomorrow.

As I leave you here, I leave you with more convincing information about optimism. Here’s a study on optimism and aging and an article you might find interesting.

Also, if you’re thinking this is great about optimism, but wondering with everything that’s happening in the world, how do we stay or create optimism in our lives, I have you covered with this article.

Stay encouraged!


Oh, I want to leave you this week with an update on Beth’s 30-Day Challenge!

As you remember Beth was feeling “blah” as we transitioned from winter to spring. Being an optimist (you see what I did there!?) she decided to do something about it and used the month of May for a 30-day challenge to rejuvenate and refresh.

Find out how she did on the TwoWomen Facebook page!


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