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The Stunning Benefits of a Well-Fitting Bra

Beth was already familiar with Curvaceous Lingerie in Old Town, Lansing, Michigan.

The shop owner, Lauren Palmer had agreed to meet with us on a chilly spring morning for an interview before her shop hours.

As I walked into the shop with its exposed brick wall and hardwoods I was immediately reminded of the intimate, stand-alone spaces my sisters and I visited when we were young women, working at our first jobs.

Usually on payday, we’d go independently to these women-only shops and drool over the beautifully colored bra and panty sets. For me, after much consideration, I’d pick one precious set, only to go back next month to pick another set. It was my little self-care ritual.

Crossing the threshold at Curvaceous gave me back that feeling. Unlike a large department store’s intimates section, with its chrome displays and stiff mannequins, this woman-owned boutique is soft and pretty and spiked with whimsy.

Sitting side-by-side within the wide selection of beautiful pale and dramatic hues, painted on lacy bra and panty sets, are glorious sleep and lounge sets, some with long flowy robes with belted ties. Beyond the bras and sleepwear, Curvaceous also carries a line of swimwear complete with coverups.

But Beth and I are in this captivating, comforting shop on this day to chat with the owner about bras. Specifically, what to consider when purchasing a bra for a mature woman.

Let’s get real here for just a moment. What seems to come with age is droopy boobies. And no wonder. We’ve had children. We’ve gained and lost weight. And even if you have no children and have stayed the same weight since high school the skin of the breasts will become less tight with age and less able to hold the weight of the breast tissue from underneath. This results in sagging of the breasts, with more weight closer to the nipple (pendulous breasts.) Of course, breasts of all sizes and shapes can develop sagging but (of course) larger breasts may be more likely to sag than smaller breast.

And just like crepey or lax neck skin, gray hair, wrinkles and laugh lines, and dare I add age spots (oh my!) sagging breasts are just a sign of the times if you’re a mature woman.

But not to worry. Lauren at Curvaceous gives us hints that help to keep our bustlines in check regardless of our age.

And it all starts with the fit of the bra.

To reintroduce Lauren of Curvaceous, she is ten years in business and is a Certified Fit Specialist, having gone thorough and earned The National Certification Training. And told Beth and me that fitting the right bra to the right woman is visual and takes a little bit of math and a little bit of psychology.

I’m now going to let Lauren take the rest of this blog post and give you the tips we need to keep the “girls” looking their best.

  • She explained that many women do not understand that a bra is meant to be a foundational item.

  • It’s purpose is to lift the breast tissue, while maintaining the shape and volume of the breasts. Another reason a woman benefits from a bra is because it provides support during physical activity, and a bra protects the breast from excessive rubbing against fabrics.

  • A typical bra fitting at Curvaceous takes about 40 minutes, starts with an interview and the purpose of the fitting (everyday bras, special occasion bras, etc.)

  • The rib cage is measured or eyeballed, along with the breast size (cup size.) Of course, this ability to eyeball takes practice!

  • Next, she and her staff start the fitting process looking to give the customer support with comfort. A well-fitting bra should support the breast and at the same time be wearable.

  • 50% of the fitting is shape of the breast tissue.

  • The support of a well-fitting bra comes from the band size, not the straps.

  • Also as a side note around strapless bras: adjust your expectations! For a strapless to give support, the band size must be tight!

  • Another interesting side note: when we asked Lauren about the “shelf life” of a bra she explained that if you’re rotating 3 bras, giving all three equal wear – these 3 bras will have a shelf- life of about a year. That’s not a typo ladies. . . one year only!

  • And the last side note – taping the breast. It works! But it’s not for every day.

So there you have it ladies. All of this bra talk makes me think it belongs under the category of simple self-care. Let’s all decide we’re going to take care of ourselves; put us first. A properly fitted bra makes us feel good, not to mention, look good.

And don’t we deserve that?


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