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It’s almost the end of March. End of first quarter, 2023. We’ve celebrated Black History month, given big, red hearts to our lovers and friends, feasted on Fat Tuesday, fasted starting Lent, worn green in honor of St. Pat’s left winter behind (well at least on the calendar,) and popped the clock forward an hour.

The winter holidays are far, far behind us. Just a faint memory. And yet with all of this activity, in many ways I’m still in 2022.

I have my mojo, but I can’t seem to organize and execute.

However, things are starting to get a little better – I’m starting to see just glimpses of organizational daylight.

One thing that’s helped is that I’m in a little mastermind with a good girlfriend. In January, we spent time creating a balanced life chart.

If you’re unfamiliar with a balanced life chart (I’d never done one before) it looks at your current life situation, identifies areas of imbalance and supports you in setting goals and priorities.

So, I’ve gone through the whole process. Now I just have to use my chart!

When I think about this year so far, motivation doesn’t seem to be my issue.

My issue seems to center on organization. I’m scattered, but I’m also excited about my projects (including finally launching TwoWomen.) As usual, I’m juggling to keep all my plates (projects) in the air.

It feels like in past years, this balancing act, multitasking, if you will, relied on good organizational skills.

Knowing my next move, before it was time for my next move.

And now those skills seem a little rusty. I think I’m going to blame it on COVID.

If you are having some of my same organizational issues and you really want to move your projects forward, maybe it’s time for a little refresher course for all of us.

So here we go:

  • What’s the goal? Set specific goals broken down into manageable tasks. When I’m on my game, I use my paper calendar (yes, paper calendar) to define the goal for the week and then using the five workdays I decide what I’ll need to do each day to manifest the goal by the weekend.

  • Lists work! Especially when we actually use the lists! I absolutely LOVE crossing things off my To Do list. Or use stickers to show I’ve accomplished a task. Sooo motivating!

  • Keep the clutter to a minimum. For certain clutter makes me feel so unorganized. Ritual and habit are so important. Tidy desk, made bed, clean kitchen. You can tell I work from home, can’t you!

  • Diminish decision fatigue by creating ROUTINE. We’re getting up at the same time each morning. We’re getting dressed, exercising, eating breakfast, settling down to work. . .

  • Just say no. Say no to activities that don’t move you forward.

  • Technology. Can help us with our productivity.

  • Everybody needs a break. Not an all-day, directionless break, but a deserved break that let’s us move around, take our eyes from the screen, and rejuvenate.

  • Hope this helps. Stay positive and let’s keep moving in the direction of our goals and aspirations!


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